Web Marketing – PART A

Understanding Web Marketing is not too hard if you really think about it. If you have the right information and straight farward explanation, then it’s easy. So let’s go through some documents I found.

Link 1: http://www.cisco.com/global/IL/solutions/smb/webmarketing/wm_whatis_home.shtml

Link 2: http://www.cisco.com/global/IL/solutions/smb/webmarketing/wm_benefits_home.shtml

First one in the list is an article called ‘What is Web Marketing’ from Cisco systems. In the article they first begin to give a brief explanation of what Web Marketing is before exploring the many different ways of web marketing and why web marketing is used. The article also goes in dept of all the many different ways of web marketing and what knd of webhosting service can be used for example “There are two common types of Web hosting services to choose from: virtual hosting and dedicated hosting. Both are often offered by an Internet service provider (ISP). With virtual hosting, your ISP gives you space on servers and other equipment that are shared with the Web sites of other companies.” As well as exploring the many different ways of web marketing the writer also does a great think by going deep in dept and specifically writing about each way and it’s advantages; which I believe is a great information to have. If you read through this small yet useful article you can easily understand web marketing and its ways. This article is a brief explanatory of web marketing.

“E-mail: E-mail your customers tailored and personalised marketing messages. The messages may be tailored to customers’ preferences, purchasing history, and browsing behavior. They can range from a simple “thank you for placing an order,” to new product and service announcements, to special targeted offers. But be sensitive to customer privacy, and make it easy for them to “opt-in” or unsubscribe from your e-mail campaigns.”

Above is a direct copy of what the writer has written under the E-mail way of web marketing. You can see clearly that the writer has not only explained about the way of marketing but have also took the time to give a brief help for anyone thinking of marketing via email.

The article does not stop there, on no!!! It has a link at the bottom of the page that directs the reader to yet another page which explains all the benefits of web marketing and many examples in full detail about expanding your market, reducing customer service cost, opening new communications with your customer and additional marketing tools. For your eyes only let’s take Expanding your market: a web site can easily help you increase sales just by being there and Opening new communications with your customers like sending emails or newsletters with the latest information about your company or products can keep your customers up to date and it will help customers easily remember your name or brand which will easily bring them to your company or store.

 Link: http://www.marketingprofs.com/2/whatismarketing.asp

This is my second source which is written by Allen Weiss on November the 2nd 2002. Even though the source is 6 years old it does seem to have very useful information. Even though this article does not precisely point at web marketing it does give very useful information about overall marketing which will prove to be use-full when looking at marketing overall. The article easily explains that marketing is not just about ‘tactics, like advertising, brand management, sales, service, pricing, email marketing, etc’ but something more that tactics it’s analysis. Analysis about customer’s, competitive analysis est.So in conclusion what really is marketing? Marketing is “ in fact, the analysis of customers, competitors, and a company, combining this understanding into an overall understanding of what segments exist, deciding on targeting the most profitable segments, positioning your products, and then doing what’s necessary to deliver on that positioning.”


Link: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=ZI2B8S6I-HE

This video is recorded and presented by Vikram Rajan who gives a presentation about direct Marketing with web 2.0 social media eg. Blogs, etc. He talks about the social media such as Myspace, Facebook etc. and how much they have grown. He also goes into details and says how much these social networking sites have grown dramatically and how everyone must grab their name on the web before someone else takes over your name. He also goes into detail about the web 2.0 and says “it’s an interative component of the internet”. Also he goes onto explain that “ there are may easy yet direct ways of marketing which all relates to web 2.0.  

Link: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=4dKhNBOdYAY

This individual person goes onto explain the 7 crucial tips for the Web 2.0 marketing. For example: you must defenetly keep up to date and stay appealing. Appealing means that you have to keep changing your information and conduct yourself in a way that there must be newer and fresh content so that the users know the site is updated daily and there’s something new. Beeing Active is the key, and you must give the users the freedom to post their views but also keep on track and know that no really bad negative comments are available for other users to see, so overall in order to keep a web2.0 campaigh going you must keep up to date and on the raise all the time.

So overall you have 4 sources above which in their own ways clearly put out many points and ideas about web marketing relating to the world wide web and Web 2.0.   

1 Comment

  1. Thanks for citing my video. You’ve provided a great number of resources for your readers! Keep up the great blog.

    BTW: I like the Ning platform for creating community sites, e.g. your school’s Tamil society. I wish I had one when I went to school.

    ~ Vikram

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